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PREMi is an organization of dispute resolution experts who have numerous years experience in the various dispute resolution techniques.
Laura A. Athens

Laura A. Athens is an attorney, mediator, facilitator and arbitrator in Farmington Hills, Michigan. Ms. Athens provides alternative dispute resolution (ADR) services in a variety of matters, special and general education, higher education, university faculty grievance, employment, vocational rehabilitation, guardianship and disability rights cases. Ms. Athens previously served as a Hearing Officer in special education and vocational rehabilitation due process hearings.
As an Adjunct Professor at Wayne State University Law School, Ms. Athens taught education law, health law and bioethics. Ms. Athens also taught Legal Research and Writing at Washington University School of Law. She is an associate of Professional Resolution Experts of Michigan, LLC (PREMi) and has served on the State Bar of Michigan Alternative Dispute Resolution Council and as a former Chair of the Oakland County Bar Association ADR Committee. Ms. Athens has published numerous articles on education law, mediation and arbitration and frequently lectures and appears on cable TV programs regarding ADR and school-related topics.
Areas of Practice
- Education Law
- University Faculty Grievance
- Employment/Workplace Conflict
List of Selected Articles
The Role of Restorative Practices in Effectively Addressing Gender Discrimination and Harassment in the Workplace, Legal Daily News, January 2020
Facilitating Positive Change in the Workplace, Legal Daily News, November 2018
The New Emergency Seclusion and Restraint Statute and the Role of the Mediator, Legal Daily News, August 2017
Bullying and Harassment in the Schools: The Prevalence, Parameters and Proactive Solutions, Laches, January 2016
Overcoming Reluctance to Engage in Mediation, Oakland County Legal News, March 2014
Confidentiality Does not Automatically Extend to Pre-Mediation Resolution Sessions, Laches, May 2010
Creating Parameters for Arbitration, Laches, May 2009
Alternative Dispute Resolution in Special Education, Laches, May 2005
Special Protections for Students with Disabilities, Laches, March 2001
Personal Website/Email
AREAS OF Practice
- Washington University School of Law, J.D.
- University of Wisconsin, M.S.S.W.
- University of Michigan, B.A., Magna Cum Laude
- Annual ICLE Advanced Negotiation and Dispute Resolution Institute – Speaker and Participant
- Divorce Mediation Training, Mediation Training and Consultant Institute
- Mediation Training, Oakland County Bar Association
- Advanced Mediator Trainings:
- Mediating Monetary Disputes
- The Brain Science Behind Mediation
- Conflict Coaching
- Dialogue and Consensus Building & Mediating in the Public Arena
- Med-Arb: The New Frontier in ADR
- Restorative Justice Training
- Conflict Resolution in the Schools Project
- Inn of Court 1997-2003
- Judicial Clerk, U.S. District Court of Eastern Missouri
Order of the Coif
- Michigan
- Missouri
- U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan
- U.S. District Court for the Western District of Michigan
- State Bar of Michigan
- Oakland County Bar Association, Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee, Chair 2004-05
- State Bar of Michigan, Alternative Dispute Resolution Council, 2007-13
- Michigan Special Education Hearing Officer 1995-2006
- Michigan Rehabilitation Services Hearing Officer 2002-08
- Board of Social Work, Master’s Social Worker, Clinical and Macro License
- Judicial Law Clerk, United States District Court of Eastern Missouri 1987-89
- Autism Alliance of Michigan Board Trustee
- Adjunct Professor, Wayne State University Law School
- Education Law, Health Law, and Bioethics 1993, 1994, 2001, 2003
- Visiting Assistant Professor and Adjunct Professor, Washington University School of Law
- Legal Research & Writing 1987-92
The Role of Restorative Practices in Effectively Addressing Gender Discrimination and Harassment in the Workplace,
Legal Daily News, January 2020
Facilitating Positive Change in the Workplace, Legal Daily News, November 2018
The New Emergency Seclusion and Restraint Statute and the Role of the Mediator, Legal Daily News, August 2017
Bullying and Harassment in the Schools: The Prevalence, Parameters and Proactive Solutions, Laches, January 2016
Overcoming Reluctance to Engage in Mediation, Oakland County Legal News, March 2014
Confidentiality Does not Automatically Extend to Pre-Mediation Resolution Sessions, Laches, May 2010
Creating Parameters for Arbitration, Laches, May 2009
Alternative Dispute Resolution in Special Education, Laches, May 2005
Special Protections for Students with Disabilities, Laches, March 2001
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PREMi is a unique association of lawyer ADR professionals with unparalleled expertise in ADR processes, the substantive disciplines that underlay disputes, and the state and federal courts that hear them. Our mediator/arbitrators are diverse in every respect: dispute resolution styles, legal and educational backgrounds,
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