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PREMi is an organization of dispute resolution experts who have numerous years experience in the various dispute resolution techniques.
Gene J. Esshaki

Regarded as one of the top mediators and arbitrators in the State of Michigan, Gene Esshaki has been called upon by numerous State and Federal Judges to assist in solving some of their most complex commercial cases.
Gene is experienced in resolving disputes between automobile manufacturers, both domestic and foreign, and their suppliers on issues of supply chain interruption, warranty and recall claims. He has also resolved catastrophic personal injury claims for the Michigan Catastrophic Claims Association, as well as claims involving maritime, rail shipping, and trucking damage disputes. Skilled in the art of arbitration as well, Gene has acted as sole arbitrator in commercial disputes involving post-merger/acquisition disputes, accounting, tax, and legal malpractice actions of every nature. Gene has quietly been called upon by some of Michigan’s most well-respected law firms to handle internal shareholder disputes and break-ups where confidentiality is essential to a successful resolution.Gene teaches complex commercial arbitration practices and procedures and complex commercial mediation practices for the American Arbitration Association, The Institute for Continuing Legal Education of the State Bar of Michigan, and PREMi, and has been a featured speaker for many years at Michigan’s Annual Dispute Resolution Institute.
Gene is a strong advocate of the evaluative mediation practice where he brings his 40 years of courtroom experience to bear upon parties and their counsel seeking a true, objective evaluation of their respective cases. Using his strong personality and recognized wit, he is extremely successful in resolving most cases brought before him in the mediation process.
Recently, Gene served as Special Discovery Master in a Multi-District action pending in the United State District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan entitled; In Re Automotive Parts Anti-Trust Litigation. Over 300 individual civil damage actions were consolidated into the matter with discovery continuing for over 5 years.
- Wayne State University, J.D.
- Wayne State University, B.A.
- DBusiness Magazine, “Top Lawyers in Metro Detroit” for Arbitration and Mediation, 2018
- Super Lawyers, Michigan (Thomson Reuters), 2007 to present
- AV Preeminent Lawyer (Martindale Hubbell), Peer Review Rating of 5.0 out of 5.0
- Michigan
- U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan
- U.S. District Court for the Western District of Michigan
- U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeal for the Sixth and D.C. Circuits
- State Bar of Michigan
- Member, ADR and General Practice Sections
- ADR Section Council Member
- Michigan Supreme Court, Certified Mediator
- American Bar Association
- General Practice and Litigation Sections
- Oakland County Bar Association
- Macomb County Bar Association
- Metropolitan Detroit Bar Association
- Past Director
- Detroit Bar Foundation
- Past Trustee and President
- Michigan Bar Foundation Fellow
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PREMi is a unique association of lawyer ADR professionals with unparalleled expertise in ADR processes, the substantive disciplines that underlay disputes, and the state and federal courts that hear them. Our mediator/arbitrators are diverse in every respect: dispute resolution styles, legal and educational backgrounds,
race, gender, and geography.